If you simply forward a solution for recording voice on your computer, then the most accessible solution would be the built-in Windows Voice Recorder. You may have to get the premium version to access some advanced editing features.It can't be used to process batch files.Most people find the user interface unfriendly.It comes with a huge sound library to enhance your recording.The recorded audio can be saved in up to 40 different formats.The free basic edition is fully functional.You can also edit the audio using the basic edition.Voice recording with Wavepad is quick and east.If you would like to get advanced editing features, you will have to purchase the Standard or the Master edition of Wavepad. You also get a set of basic editing tools that will allow you to trim, compress and even change the pitch in the audio files that you create. Once the recording is complete, you can use the numerous editing tools to add effects including echo, amplification, equalization, noise reduction, normal,ization, and more. It can record very high-quality audio using the computer's microphone.

Wavepad is another free voice recording app for Windows 10.

Some recorders have a built-in editor and some are only useful to you as recorders. When you want to turn your book into an audiobook or add narration to a product demo, you will need free audio recording software for Windows 10.Īs there are numerous tools that you can use to record audio on your PC and these tools all have different features. Audio production is one of the most important parts of media production.